Welcome to The Brush Traction WrapSite!

The Brush Traction WrapSite opens to bring paperless solutions to the business. Wraps are clever forms that can be created by anyone using Excel and will be launched from this site to gather data into a cloud database. The MyWraps reporting tool produces live data tables and charts from the cloud data. Imagine future projects with no paperwork, no lost forms, no undecipherable scribbles, no unidentifiable signatures, no photocopying, no duplicate errors, no filing and immediate access to the data in tabular and graphical reports.


  • ADMIN ROLE: Administrator (MoreVision), AdminTenant, AdminWorkgroup
  • COMPETENCE ROLES: C-Mech, C-Elec, C-Weld, C-NDT, C-Test & C-Insp
  • HIERARCHICAL ROLES:  H-Executive, H-Manager, H-Supervisor & H-Staff
  • TEAM ROLES: T-Project, T-Procurement, T-MaterialControl, T-Production, T-Engineering, T-ProdEng, T-ProjEng & T-Client

Site WORKGROUPS:  Project, Procurement, MaterialControl, Production, Engineering, ProdEng, ProjEng, Finance & Client. Users in a WorkGroup can be are locally managed by a user with the role AdminWorkGroup (add, disable, add/remove user roles). WorkGroups have trust permissions to create data hierarchies. Site WRAPGROUPS: permissions for a group of Wraps to control what users roles and WorkGroups can do. The 'Default' WrapGroup allow any logged in user to view, create and edit wraps but only users with the role T-Project or H-Supervisor can delete them.  For help on setting up your site please refer to 'Getting Started' in ExcelWraps Help.

Wrap Application 1 - Class 158

Class 158 Wraps (TOC East Midland Trains and ROSCO Angel Trains) for management of Works Tests, Works Inspection, C6 & C6X overhaul, PRM mods (person with reduced mobility) and CSO mods (Continued Service Operation). It will deliver the works instruction to the shop floor, capture job sign off signatures, arising work, production queries, technical queries. Supported photos and associated media files will be captured and shared with the relevant parties. Held in a cloud database the wraps system provides reports to drive the business forward to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency.

Wrap Application 2 - Class 43 HST

Class 43 HST Wraps (TOC Abellio Scotrail and ROSCO Angel Trains) for management of Works Tests, Works Inspection, Corrosion Repair, New Paint and Livery, Forward Facing Closed Circuit Television (FFCCTV) installation, Traction Interlock System. It will deliver the works instruction to the shop floor, capture job sign off signatures, arising work, production queries, technical queries. Supported photos and associated media files will be captured and shared with the relevant parties. Held in a cloud database the wraps system provides reports to drive the business forward to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency.


Site Administrators

Chris Moss is responsible for content and user administration on this WrapSite.


Chris Moss is the Manager of this site.

Wrap Benefits

Increased productivity, better access to business information, increased competitiveness, increased profitability, increased quality, increased traceability, improved supply chain responsiveness and increased customer satisfaction.